Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

LattAC ERC grant

Damien Stehlé was awarded an ERC Starting Grant for his project Euclidean lattices: algorithms and cryptography (LattAC) in 2013 (1.4Meur for 5 years from January 2014). The LattAC project aims at studying all computational aspects of lattices, from algorithms for manipulating them to applications. The main objective is to enable the rise of lattice-based cryptography.


Participants : Benoît Libert, Fabien Laguillaumie, Damien Stehlé.

PROMETHEUS (Privacy-Preserving Systems from Advanced Cryptographic Mechanisms Using Lattices) is a 4-year European H2020 project (call H2020-DS-2016-2017, Cybersecurity PPP Cryptography, DS-06-2017) that will start in January 2018. It gathers 7 academic partners (ENS de Lyon and Université de Rennes 1; CWI, Pays-Bas; Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany; Weizmann Institute, Israel), 5 industrial partners (Orange, IBM, Thales, TNO, Scytl). The goal of this project is to develop a toolbox of privacy-preserving cryptographic algorithms and protocols (like group signatures, anonymous credentials, or digital cash systems) that resist quantum adversaries. Solutions will be mainly considered in the context of Euclidean lattices and they will be analyzed from a theoretical point of view (i.e., from a provable security aspect) and a practical angle (which covers the security of cryptographic implementations and side-channel leakages). The project is hosted by ENS de Lyon and Benoît Libert is the administrative coordinator while Orange is the scientific leader.